Wednesday, July 29, 2009

C'mon Men!

The last couple days for me has really opened my eyes to the workings of God in men recently. I know we can go all over the Internet and find the doom and gloom of how men are not participating in the right things in our society, but as I see it, God is moving big time in the hearts of men.

Let's face it, men, for so many years, much of the "programming" in our society and church has catered to the female Participant as we seemed to try and reprogram what a man should be, think, and do. The truth is, God made men for the most part, to connect with others, programs, and teachings very differently than our female counterparts. We crave the rough and tumble, the sense of adventure, and often recklessness.

God is raising up churches here in America where pastors are appealing to this side of us. Pastors that are not afraid of a challenge, not afraid to eat meat, shoot a gun, and root for a football team (and even schedule services around the SuperBowl! Yes!) and have a HUGE heart for Jesus. A man's man - like Jesus was.

I am so thankful for the men in my life that understand this appeal and reality. It was very cool last night to hop on a men's online Bible Study hosted by
Healing Place Church hosted by Dan Ohlerking. These guys were very encouraging! Guys like Michael Harrison and his brother, Steve Harrison . I've yet to meet any of them yet, they encourage and pray for me and I do the same for them!

The above video of Hillsong's "No Reason To Hide" is a great example of a bunch of guys from Australia led by Joel Houston (son of Brian Houston;pastor). Guys screaming out their passion for Jesus!
Guys like Jonathan Bowen that I have built with, shot with, worked with, struggle with, ministered with, laughed and cried with. Friends like that are a rare gift indeed!

Our campus pastor, Howard Frist, who is not afraid to stand up and protect the flock with many things we sheep never realize is even going on. My pastor friends will know exactly what I'm talking about!

Men, look around you and find the other men that God is bringing into your life and join them in proclaiming the Kingdom of God as a man. It's the adventure of a lifetime!

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