Everyone likes a good story. A good story captures the imagination and can take us to another place and time.
Tonight, as my girls in their summer adventures, decided to set up the tent on the screen porch, it seemed to Kim and me that it was a great time to re-read the Little House series.
Such a simple story, a little girl with her family living in a simple (yet not easy) time in America. The courageous spirit of this little family from the late 1800's still inspires us today.
In a way, I long for that kind of life for me and my family. A life where everyday is a new adventure; where everyday brings new appreciation for all that God has blessed us with! The simple joys that Solomon expresses in Ecclesiastes - "the worker enjoying the fruits of his labor".
I think back to my Grampy Samuel Bishop Giberson (my middle name is Samuel for him), and remember things he used to make with his own hands, fishing poles, tops, whistles, etc. And the stories he used to tell about his dad who was a cook in the old logging camps riding down the river with trays of food for men who didn't make it back to camp that day and how he never spilled a drop! Stories of hiding from the Germans for 3 days in WWI when they were separated from their unit or the time when my Nanny Ethel Grace was 13 and had to drive the sleigh during a snowstorm to take visitors home.
Everyone has a story to tell; I have a few I have told my kids. Sleeping on a little island in the midlle of a river only to awaken to it rising from mountain snow melt. Accepting Jesus and being baptized in Cold Lake, Alberta where yes, it was COLD! Stories of how Kim and I met and were married; how God carried us through times of sorrow and how good He is to us! Reminding our kids of things they used to say and how they said them.
What's your story? Every day of our lives is a page in this book we are living and just like Laura Ingalls, our stories live on, eternal creatures that we are. Live like your story is courageous, inspiring, and memorable. God, the Master storyteller and keeper of stories is writing it down!
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