There is nothing more frustrating than being misunderstood. Sometimes you walk into a land mine. When I walk into those situations that throw me back, often my first reaction is to lash out (selfish mechanism). What I may or may not realize is that I just happened to be the proverbial straw that sets someone or something off. It can be discouraging and just plain yucky! Thoughts of "Wow, how did we go from HERE to THERE in a matter of minutes!"
When that happens, I find it helps to first cry out to God (even when frustrated), and God then seems to direct me to my "encouragers" who always seem to have the right thing to say or write that helps me get back on track. When I leave God out as my first cry for help, I often only find others who sympathize but don't let me see beyond the situation.
So I'm thanking Him today for setting the path for me and for renewing my mind with His words and through His servants (my encouragers).
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