I just got back from another work week where I took Kim and the girls with me. I've really enjoyed trying to take the fam with me on these trips this summer, it sure makes the week go a little faster being able to spend the evenings with family! The girls have enjoyed 3 trips to 3 different beaches this summer; North Myrtle, Surfside, and Wrightsville. It's been very different for Kim and I to have Steven working full time this summer; we've certainly missed him as he has been travelling with the installation crew during the week for the company I work for. It's been very cool to see the girls bond this summer. Our oldest girl, Nicole, has always hung around her older brother and our youngest, Jessica, has very different interests from her sister, so seeing them spend time swimming, boogey boarding, playing games, etc. has been awesome! I have so much to be thankful for! So blessed by Jesus!
Summer's clock is ticking. It's hard to believe where the time has gone! In another week and ahalf, the kids will be packing lunches and bookbags and headed to meet their new teachers (and they will kill me for reminding them!)
Speaking of Back to School, check out what Michael Harrison and The Community are planning for tons of kids in Henry County, VA! And when it comes to kids, the conditions these kids from Swaziland have to live in will break your heart! Check out Childrens Cup ministries and join in the 40 days of Prayer for the Children!
God tells us to "present our bodies as living sacrifices, which is our reasonable service". Reading in the OT this week on the life of David, it really opened my eyes to see David MOVE the heart of God. How amazing is that! David would not present an offering to God that did not involve costly sacrifice on his part. God is at work all around us, in Greenville SC, Atlanta GA, Beaufort SC, Collinsville VA, Kenya, Swaziland, etc ...you get the picture, and He is inviting us to join Him. And how much better to join in where he is already working!
I am currently pursuing ways to impact my community. I do volunteer at our local church, but am also looking for ways to join God's mission in my Mon-Sat too. I've got ideas, and will share soon where I will be concentrating efforts. Would you pray for me as I hope to finalize plans this week? God Bless!
Summer's clock is ticking. It's hard to believe where the time has gone! In another week and ahalf, the kids will be packing lunches and bookbags and headed to meet their new teachers (and they will kill me for reminding them!)
Speaking of Back to School, check out what Michael Harrison and The Community are planning for tons of kids in Henry County, VA! And when it comes to kids, the conditions these kids from Swaziland have to live in will break your heart! Check out Childrens Cup ministries and join in the 40 days of Prayer for the Children!
God tells us to "present our bodies as living sacrifices, which is our reasonable service". Reading in the OT this week on the life of David, it really opened my eyes to see David MOVE the heart of God. How amazing is that! David would not present an offering to God that did not involve costly sacrifice on his part. God is at work all around us, in Greenville SC, Atlanta GA, Beaufort SC, Collinsville VA, Kenya, Swaziland, etc ...you get the picture, and He is inviting us to join Him. And how much better to join in where he is already working!
I am currently pursuing ways to impact my community. I do volunteer at our local church, but am also looking for ways to join God's mission in my Mon-Sat too. I've got ideas, and will share soon where I will be concentrating efforts. Would you pray for me as I hope to finalize plans this week? God Bless!
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