Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday Thoughts While Knee Deep in Video

Who was it who said, "Be care what you ask for, you may get more than you bargained for!"?

Let's just say I'm in a major learning curve when it comes to fine tuning my workflow. Today was a day to learn and put into practice some major learning to maximize my editing time. 

The internet is a completely amazing resource! I'm so thankful for experts who share their knowledge in an on-demand format (aka video)!

Is there anything you wish you knew how to do better? Chances are pretty good that you can find the resources you need to get there.

Find the resources, put them into practice, change your life.  That could be said about a lot of things.  Relationships (God, family, friends), careers, hobbies, etc.

What are you looking to get better at?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday - This Just In

So Nicole found this and showed it to me, quite amazing!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


2 different hills, twice the fun! These kids take their sledding very seriously! : )

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Monday - Undecorating Christmas

First video off the new Panasonic AG-HPX170 P2HD Camcorder.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Film Thoughts

So the latter half of this week was spent sorting and assembling camera gear.  People at work chuckled as they walked by my cube, and I overheard comments like, "They said I'd find you here buried in cameras" and "Merry Christmas!".

About half way through un-boxing items, I had this momentary thought of, "O my gosh! What have I done?!  Can I really do this?"  A lot of people are counting on me to make this video marketing work.

4 things are required for success (as Jonathan Bowen and I discussed last night) after the plans are laid out:
1. Get started
2. Keep moving
3. Evaluate
4. Keep moving

So what are you wanting to do?  What are you doing to get there?  These are things I'm doing.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tech Tuesday - A History

People wonder what I do.  That can be hard to figure out sometimes!  I tweet and blog about a lot of things that I do.

  • After college (Bob Jones University - Youth Ministry major/Music minor) (shocked?), was a youth pastor in Vancouver, BC for 5 years.  Then, a worship leader in Greenville, SC for close to 10 years.  Singer/songwriter (some of my songs are over there on the right)  I was bi-vocational in that I worked as a carpenter and then as a licensed contractor during these ministry years.

  • Transitioned from building to messing with computers.  Bought and sold old pc's from school districts, then went to work full time for the company I worked these deals with.  CSI Technology Outfitters in Easley, SC where we focus on K12 and public sector.  We also left the church we worked with and did a home church for 5 years.

  • Started there at CSI as the Georgia sales rep.  My poor sales manager, he and I both found that I was not cut out for sales!  I have this knack for creating my own niches and when we started carrying the Promethean Activboard solutions, I grabbed onto it and tried to learn the solution better than anyone.  Out of that grew a product specialist position and team that I led for 3 years.  Home church somewhat dispersed, we attended a church here in Greenville for 2 years, but never felt settled there (will do another post on the church journey). 

  • This past year found me in the marketing department coordinating some 40+ conferences that we do (local and national).  Getting things and people to the right places and at the right times, been lots of fun and I still do it although we are scaling back the number of local shows!  We've been at NewSpring Church for 3 years now, and I have been involved with the video production there and LOVE it!  That experience has re-kindled my love for video production from childhood!

  • This year, as you know (if you've been reading this blog), my marketing endeavors are expanding to include video production.  And yes, I'm excited!  We just ordered our gear and should have it by the end of this week!  We have a great lineup of informative shows to produce across our different product lines and I will post links to some recent work on these Tech Tuesday segments.

All along this journey, God, my wife, kids, and friends have been there to encourage.  There is power in having companions on the journey.  I am grateful for them and excited about the future!  The best is yet to come!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Satuday Mornings

Well, it sure feels nice to begin 2011 on a Saturday! 

Just hearing "Saturday morning" evokes great memories from childhood.  Saturday morning had the magic to wake me up early when every other day of the week wants to keep me under the covers.  Cartoons that only came on Saturday were fun to anticipate!  It called to a day-long adventure that was made up as you go or planned days in advance.

I don't know what it is about Saturdays that bring a sense of freedom and relaxation other than perhaps wired deeply into us from the time of creation was God's Sabbath.  Have you ever noticed when people use that word, we often actually feel a negative connotation? Sabbath, day of rest; even the 10 commandments tell us to keep it Holy.  O how we've twisted THAT word!  Images of sackcloth and ashes and droopy, somber faces. 

Consider that Holy means "Set Apart", Different, Special.  A Sabbath should be special and very different from the work week.  Even if we have jobs that we absolutely love, it's very helpful to spend one day a week doing something very different from it.  Our bodies and minds need a break in order to recharge and reboot.  I believe it's also a day that we can reflect back on the week and consider our work to see where we were effective.  God himself modeled this at the end of His creation in Gen 2.  Jesus, when He walked on this earth, also said that, "Man was not created for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for man".  He constantly fought against the notion that the Sabbath was a day for the "Religious" to have a way to control the behavior of the masses!  And so, he often brought healing and restoration to people on the Sabbath (showing that He actually embodied what the Sabbath was made to do for us!)

I LOVE to watch the This Old House Hour on PBS on a Saturday morning, sip coffee, read from the Bible.  Kim and I work our weekly budget update among other things that get planned as the day moves along.

What do you like to do on a Saturday?  You can comment here or on Twitter/Facebook.