Still, it made for some great sliding today. The kids started out in our yard with a little SuperSlider Soccer action.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Still, it made for some great sliding today. The kids started out in our yard with a little SuperSlider Soccer action.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
God Is Good

Enter the Haiti scene today, and the destruction there is unfathomable. Even the heroes that are there as I write this (guys like Shaun King, Ken Joslin, Chance Craven, etc) have a hard time processing all that they are seeing as they fight to bring hope in the way of aid, food, water, and rescue. Our hearts were not created to know how to deal with this, so they push on, often trying to push images out of their mind but not quite able.
In times of destruction and chaos, the questions always fly around, "How can God allow this?", "How can this happen to good people?" Whether the chaos is caused by forces of nature or by people, there IS a purpose in this storm.
We find the key in Joseph's response when he revealed himself (now as Ruler of Egypt, 2nd only to Pharaoh) to his brothers. "At the time, you meant if for evil, but God meant it for good!"(paraphrase) Joseph had come to understand that in the midst of chaos, God shines brightest. God had sent him on ahead as a slave in Egypt to enable a huge disaster recovery plan that would save not only Egypt but the entire middle eastern region of the world!
Haitians are finding hope in this chaos and the Church in Haiti with help from the Church at large is leading the way. Remember to keep praying that the goodness of God will shine brightly through His Church in Haiti and give if you can give, and go if you can go to help.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Church at the BiLo Center!

Wow, still recovering from today's NewSpring 10th Anniversary Celebration! Around 14,000 (almost capacity) people joined together under one roof today to celebrate the work of Jesus over the past 10 years! My family and I have been a part of NewSpring Church for a little over 2 years now, and are a part of that history!
Our son, Steve decided to be baptized here. He accepted Jesus at a young age and so it was so fulfilling to see him make this decision as a young man to identify himself with Jesus through this baptism.
Our daughter, Nicole, gave her life to Jesus last Easter season and was also baptized. Jessica is still in the question phase... but what a great environment where she gets to hear about Jesus on her level every week from people who really love her!
God is SO at work in our extended family members and friends (up to 16 including us because someone invited us!) who started coming and keep coming back! Seriously, there will be a book written about it someday!
So today was very emotional getting to hear about so many lives touched by Jesus through the ministry of NewSpring Church. But it didn't stop there!

Over 350 people made their way down front to receive Jesus into their hearts and lives! I was ushering in the nosebleed section behind stage and there were people from there that walked all the way down to pray at the front of the stage! They then walked all the way back up to continue praising God in song - the tears were flowing!
The music was just amazing today! We have such an annointed and blessed group of musician/worship leaders that have committed their gifts to Jesus and HIS Glory - and it shows!
I am worn out! In a good way... : ) Pray for Perry and our church leaders, they have to be exhausted!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
NewSpring Church Turns 10!

This weekend should prove to be pretty exciting for our church. Who would have thought that we would need a facility that could hold 15,000 people in order for all the campuses to meet in one service!
My family and I have benefitted greatly by being at NewSpring church! I think of the great messages on Relationships, having a Passion for God, and Keeping Life Simple. We've really appreciated how the leadership has kept Sunday service the main focus where Jesus is clearly presented.
Doors open this Sunday at 9am at the BiLo Center in Greenville! You're invited!
Friday, January 1, 2010
SNOW Travels!
Well, this year's trip was one for the record books for sure! We decided to spend the Christmas Holiday with my folks in New Brunswick, Canada. Little did we know that we would hit the worst snowstorm in 40 years in Virginia on the way up! Nothing like sitting on the road and only moving 175 miles in 17 1/2 hours!
We finally made it to the Canadian border. Those new passports came in handy - can't get across without them anymore!
Christmas morning at my parents was memorable! Got to see lots of family that came for dinner too!
Speaking of snow : ), we even got a little skiing in with my sister, Morgan.
And of course, the day we leave to go home, we get 6" of fresh snow to drive in!
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