Thursday, December 31, 2009

Maple Syrup Making in Canada - Back by Popular Demand

People are always fascinated by the Maply Syrup/Sugar making process, so a few years ago, when we were up to Canada in the spring, my daughter, Nicole and my brother, Bruce, took lots of pics that we used in this little collage. When the days warm up and the nights stay cold, the sap starts running through the trees in their attempt to wake them up from their long winter's nap. Many years ago, the First Nations discovered that there was sweet goodness waiting to be had from within the Maple.

More than a "how it's done", this video captures the years of dedication to an old craft, that year after year calls to those who hear its beckoning. No matter where you've happened to live this experience, you see the love of people for each other, sugar making, and countless good times shared around a tank of sap, the boiler, and of course, the dinner table while putting back some buckwheat flapjacks by the dozen (cooked on the wood-burning stove).
